Homepage of Hongbin Ma / 马宏宾教授的个人主页

Basic Information

Ma Hongbin (马宏宾)

Professor, Ph.D

Key Laboratory of Intelligent Control and Decision of Complex Systems

Beijing Institute of Technology

Email: mathmhb[at]bit[dot]edu[dot]cn

Photo of Hongbin Ma


Born in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China, in 1978. Received B.Sc. from Zhengzhou University, China in 2001. Studied mathematics and control theory in the Key Laboratory of Systems and Control at Institute of Systems Science from 2001 to 2006, supervised by Professor Lei Guo. Obtained Ph.D from the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2006. Joined Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore in August 2006.

Since August 2009, I have been a faculty member of the Institute of Navigation, Guidance and Control, School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology. Our laboratory is named as the Laboratory of Intelligent Machinary, which is inspired by great scientist Alan Turing.

More info can be found in my Curriculum Vitae or its enriched Chinese version, whose password is taken from Chairman Mao's famous quotation "GOOD GOOD STUDY, DAY DAY UP":-)

My dissertation was focused on some problems on capability and limitation of feedback mechanism in dealing with uncertainties of some discrete-time control systems.

Research interests

My researches center on control theory and complex systems, especially focus on problems related to stability and stabilization of discrete-time dynamical systems, as well as related algorithm design and analysis.

My previous work involved stochastic control systems, signal processing, adaptive estimation and control, (nonlinear) hybrid systems and dynamical networks. Various complexities or uncertainties of systems were main concern in my previous researches.

During my visit to Singapore, I was also interested in pursuit-evasion problems, which come from the background of guidance/interception, hide-and-seek games, etc. and have close connections with differential games, mobile robotics, computational geometry, decision theory and artificial intelligence.

Previously I was working in the Changjiang Scholar Innovation Group of Professor M. Y. Fu, in charge of a small group of teachers and students, focusing in the area of intelligent navigation. We are interested in academic research and engineering practice on unmanned ground vehicles equipped with technologies of intelligent navigation. Our self-dring vehicles ever win variour awards in various contests.

Now I have established a new Laboratory of Intelligent Machinary. We believe that intelligent machines can make the future better with our efforts and we aim to make contributions in designing and developing techniques of embedded intelligence for real applications and future disruptive innovations.

Most of my previous and current researches concern the big idea of learning or adaptation with mathematical algorithms and computer techniques, hence you may see that I have made and I am making continous efforts in cybernetics+mathematics+software+hardware. I hope to make a difference to this colorful world. If you have some plausible or crazy or fantastic ideas, you may discuss them with me for more inspirations.

Some honors

Course teaching

My teaching may be different from many other teachers. Many students have given me very positive feedbacks and helped me improve my courses further. I hope students in my courses can learn some essentially important things rather than only limited course knowledge.

All students taking my courses must visit http://www.we-learn.net.cn/ to access my network teaching system and register on it so as to download coursewares, assignments and so on. And your solutions should be submitted to the course website for my review.

Services for students

I ever gave some lectures to thousands of students either in Beijing or other cities.

I was in charge of the International Automation Class since 2011.

I was also in charge of some classes of School of Automation, Rui-Xin College, or Te-Li College, since 2012.

I have supervised amount of students to attend various contests, such as Contests of Mathematics/Mathematical Modelling, Innovation, and so on, many of which have won awards and even championship.

If you hope me to supervise you in research and innovation, please send to me your resume, transcripts, and ideas. Here is my brief one-page self-introduction in Chinese.

Here is my talk to IAC students, which may be useful for students.

Here is my talk at the 2011 Graduation Ceremony, which may be valuable for everybody, especially for the fresh graduated students.

About students

In my opinion, students and teachers should form a closed loop rather than an open loop.

If you want to be my students, you need to be responsible to yourself, others and your duties.

If you are serious to your duties, by your dilligence, intelligence and interests, I will be responsible to you.

I will try to give proper feedbacks upon your outputs for you to improve the closed-loop performance.

And many of my previous students give me very positive feedbacks and I am proud of their achievements.

Do you want to join them? If you are good at mathematics and/or computer, you may come to discuss with me:-)

Publications by topics

Google Scholar






Please cite my related work if possible. See a list of my Publications and its source file as well as my bib database file for your convenience. Please let me know your work if you have cited my work. My papers are available upon requests by emails.

To cite my work, you need only put the .bib file in the folder of your .tex file and add the commands \bibliography{mhb-pub2} \bibliographystyle{unsrt} to your .tex file, then you can use \cite{...} to cite my related work.

New Theories on Adaptive Estimation/Control

Feedback Mechanism Capability and Limitation

Finite Model Adaptive Control/Filtering

Decentralized Adaptive Control/Filtering

Semi-Parameric Adaptive Control/Adaptive Predictive Control

One-Step-Guess Adaptive Control

Adaptive Fault Diagnosis / -Order Analysis

Misc Topics on Learning / Applications (Moving Bodies)

Adaptive Control for Robots/Vehicles/Airplanes

Kalman Filtering / Navigation / Guidance / Localization

Multi-Robot Optimal Formation

Human-Robot Intraction (HRI)

Intelligent Traffic Systems / Environment Understanding / Image Pattern Recognition

Evolutionary Learning / Swarm Optimation

Education and e-Learning

Pursuit Evasion Problems

Other Early Papers

Signal Processing

Differential Geometry

Symbolic Computation and Finite Elelement Methods

Complex Systems

Personal related

I have created my blog at sciencenet. You may see my recommended readings and short comments there. Due to my very limited time, I occasionally post full articles written by myself. However, from my condensed and inspiring comments, I believe you can gain a lot just like that I gain much from my extensive readings.

For TeXers or researchers, you can try also latest Chinese MTeX Suite developed by myself, which is a compact yet powerful TeX system with TeX+LaTeX+ConTeXt+GhostScript+GsView+WinEdt+RedMon and many other useful tools. The link given here contains enough components for your use without any other TeX systems. More components can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.ctex.org/pub/tex/systems/mtex/ or http:/inin.bit.edu.cn/mathmhb/mtex/. You can visit MTeX-Suite Googlegroup to post your comments or suggestions to MTeX. You can also find some discussions on very old version, which are outdated but provide some information.

What others I like?



About this page

This webpage is created from index.mkd with Markdown markup language, powered by jQuery and edited with Sc1IDE (All-In-One IDE) shipped with MTeX Suite.

I like the principle of KISS Keep It Simple and Stupid! So this page looks simple and stupid, just for your info. Note that the information here may be outdated since I may not have time to maintain this page regularly.
